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St John the Baptist

Planning a wedding?

Weddings at St John's



We try to be a welcoming, Christ-centred community, which gathers in ‘the little white church’ in Rothiemurchus on the ski road, a mile outside Aviemore.

If you are exploring the possibility of a wedding at St John’s, we would be pleased to hear from you. We will be especially pleased to hear from those living in the Badenoch/Strathspey area or those who have an established connection with the area. It’s always worth contacting us at an early stage in your preparations. You will of course also need to contact the Registrar’s office which is responsible for the legal aspects of your wedding.

A few points worth bearing in mind:

We’re not just another ‘wedding venue’. We are a Christian church offering a Christian service at which the promises made are very much ‘in the presence of God’.

In order to make your wedding special, we do need to get to know you and work with you on the planning of your service.

If one or both of you have been married before, this is not in itself a prohibition. We will need to secure the Bishop’s permission for the ceremony to take place.

In terms of facilities, the church seats about 90 people, so we’re not a church building that is suitable for a large wedding.

Unlike the Church of England, there are no statutory fees for a Wedding in Scotland. However we would invite who hold their Wedding Service here to make a donation appropriate to the cost of their wedding. The clergy can advise!

If you are interested in your service taking place at St John’s, please contact us and we will be happy to have a chat with you. 
